Thursday, January 27, 2011

Twiggy or King Kong

Okay Ladies weight has always been an issue for me. Even suffering from an eating disorder for part of my life. However finally at the age of 32 I have come to accept my body (slightly) for what it is! So when I went to the doctors office for a sinus infection I was blindsided my the nurses comments. Um, do you workout? yes mam daily. Do you eat healthy? uh-huh. Well you know the weight doesn't go one in one day and it wont come off in one day either. EXCUSE ME? I am sorry are you talkin to me? I was so dumbfounded and for those that know me know that is a first. She left them room then I got mad, more than mad furious. How dare someone that doesn't know me, and is there to take my blood pressure and temp (which she didn't) give me crap about my weight. I am no Twiggy but I am also not King Kong! Lets face it I am of German decent and have always had lots of muscle and med size bones. I have been pregnant four times in 5 years with 2 children to show for it. I am here fighting to rip apart negative thoughts that overtake my mind and another women is tearing me down, you have got to be kidding me!
I am really having to pray about this. I cannot allow her to affect me, I will not allow her to affect me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God made me in His image and to serve Him. So know I might not be Twiggy but I am NOT king kong either!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Can I get an AMEN?

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:24

Will I ever learn?

So after everything I have been through with my health the past 4 months you would think I would slow down. Unfortunatley this is not the case. Next Tuesday begins February....the 2nd i have to select books for a book fair, the 3rd meeting must attend on committe,the 4th I have to go through other books for the book fair. And a birthday party! The 7th I set up the book  fair and watch class for teachers during staff meeting!, the 8-11 I run the book fair from 8:45am-3:45 am. On the 11th my oldest has a field trip (yep Dad is going to have to make this one) the 11th we also have a quick trip to celebrate Hubbys and momma's birthday. 14th throw class party for oldest and hopefully attend class party for youngest. Oh yes and share the love. Run a house home school oldest and attept to home school youngest, cook dinners, clean, do laundry, and attend weekly class. Oh and get clothes ready to consign by the 24th! 

I thought I was suppose to find a new "normal"! When will I learn?
Is this what is means to be a mommy?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Haggai lesson 1

So our Pastor began a new study today in the old testament book of Haggai today.
And while it was a kick you in the teeth kinda message this is what I gained while reading
back over my notes.

God created time and God gives us time.
Therefore, shouldn't we use our time to serve Him?

I cant wait till next week:)!

Birthday's celebrated, Lessons learned.

So this weekend was amazing. A good comfy kind of amazing. We made the journey back home Friday to begin the celebration of the twins first birthday. We relaxed on Friday night at moms house and ate the best pizza on the planet. Tims! if you are ever in the ville I would strongly encourage it! Then Saturday my brother, who I might add is simply awesome surprised us with donuts from Ricks bakery. Another of the ville's finest!
Anyway Saturday afternoon it was time to celebrate! And I must say my sister in law has to be one of the most creative people EVER! The theme was double bubble, double trouble. And it was decked out! From mini bubble gumball machines to pictures of everyone blowing bubbles, to balloon's wrapped in cellophane to look like bubblegum! It was nice just to celebrate their tiny lives.

But as with all fun times...well as with all times there is a lesson. An individual crossed my path this weekend whom I haven't seen in a year. Most would see this figure in their lives daily, weekly or even monthly. But for me it had been a year. And not really for a reason but it just didn't happen. And sadly it wasn't missed. You see almost 13 years ago this individual decided that sin was better then the life they had. And left. And frankly I wanted nothing to do with this "new" and "better" life. And as years went on and forgiveness took place the relationship seemed to fade. I am not sure how much either one of us wanted to carry it on. So I sat around looking at people who enrich my life. Make it better just by being in it! And I realize Although sin took one relationship. God provided many more to help in my daily walk and growth with Him

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

not perfect

so I was reading through some of my post and found many errors. and you know what? I am leaving them. I am not perfect never claimed to be (unless you know me really well and I get sarcastic about it)so read at your own risk. and please note my/ b/ is having issues and I have to pound it to work. so if a /b/ was suppose to be there and its not you will know why!

Me, Myself and Lies

I recently started a bible study entitled Me, Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild. And it is amazing.
As women, young ladies and even little girls, I believe we feel our heads with untruths or Lies. Your fat, ugly, you will never be like _______________, your hands are ugly, you’re stupid, no one likes you, and you can’t count money, blah, and blah, blah. Unfortunately these thoughts run through our head between 100-300 times a minute. When the fact of the matter is that we should be concentrating or meditating on things of higher value. Such as our Amazing heavenly Father and the plans he has for our lives, and our we living to the best of our ability for Him. Rearranging our thoughts to be more like that of Christ.
I will remember the deed of the Lord; yes I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your works and meditate on your mighty deeds. Psalm 77:11-12
Then focus or meditate on Gods current provisions, promises and presence. Focusing our thoughts on truth not the lies that seem to beat us down on a daily basis.
As a mother of two girls I find myself constantly trying to build a firm foundation of Gods truths in their little formable minds so that when they do reach the tweens and teens they can combat these untruths or lies with Gods word. Knowing that they are made in His image, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and no matter what the world may try to put in their minds they can squash it with truth and hopefully not have to battle the daily nonsense that storms through my thoughts.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our Hearts are Bleeding

I serve an Amazing and awesome risen Savior. And through many of the life issues I have in countered He carried me through on His wings. My wonderful husband is the Pastor of a local church. So serving God is not only our choice it is our job. we visit the sick and dying. we rejoice in the beautiful union of two Christian families. We celebrate the breath-taking wonder of birth. He present Gods word is the most passionate and humble way 3 times a week ex halting others to serve and follow this King of Kings.  But one of if not the hardest parts of ministry is death, funerals, mourning, grieving.
This week a family in Ohio that is so precious to me suffered an amazing loss.
Wednesday Erika Jackson, 25 was driving with another adult and Erika's two precious daughters were in the backseat. From the report they say she hit  an embankment, flipped and landed tires up on a steep hill. she was partially injected from the vehicle, but everyone else was good especially the babies.
Her husband is in the military and was stationed in Korea. Since they were preparing to move to japan for 3 years. Now he comes home to the death of his wife. I am not mad, angry, just heartbroken for her momma, my Tammy, if i only knew what to do......

When we lost our two children it was numbing. i was a crying zombie. It took lots of time and sometimes i just needed to cry. I realized that God in His amazing plan knows exactly how long someone needs to live to carry out His plan for their life. For our children it was a few weeks and even months. For Weldon it took 102 years. For Mendy it took 17 years, and for Erika it took 25.

Then i think about those babies, mini Me's of Erika. do I think that is fair NO it is in fact a mothers worse nightmare. but i do know their grandparents and they will love and adore those children to the best of their ability. They will have stories of their beautiful momma, pictures, and Grammy Tammy's face and heart were their mother will always shine through.

So although I don't get why this stuff happens and i really don't like it.i know God is in control and I am at peace with knowing that.


Well as a recent post noted I have been dealing with some neurological issues for the past 4 months now. NO FUN! I would not wish this pain on well most people. No I am kinda kidding:) anyway my awesome neurologist says it can all be treated with medication until retest will need to be done (basically until my body gets use to the medicine). But i will take it for now. i can increase workouts, yeah! hopefully have more energy, cut out caffeine (again), and DRIVE! yes after  months of playing Driving Miss Daisy I can be free. and i can get back to my volunteering at the girls school. i had really began to miss it. So i huge thank go goes out to my amazing friends who have been bating me in prayer! You Guys ROCK!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Psalm 18:6 ESV

In my distress I called upon the LORD;
to my God I cried for help.
From his temple he heard my voice,
and my cry to him reached his ears.

My life in a 5 subject notebook

I was always a multi-tasker. Had a great memory and could run on little or no sleep. But now my life is a five subject notebook. You see about 4 months ago I began have migraines on a daily basis. I mean knock ya to the ground and stay there kinda beast. But I just went on. Then my ears started ringing and I started to lose vision. At this point most people would have stopped and gone to the doctor, but not me.  Life was crazy busy and well momma just had to go on. Symptoms got worse and I finally broke down and went to the doctor.
Doctor number one wanted to get real invasive really quick.
Doctor number two had no clue.
And Doctor number three the Neurologist but me on some seizure meds.
However somethings will never be the same. I was never lost for words, now it takes me a while. I could remember anything and everything and well lets just say its all in my notebook now. I have to do one task at a time or things fall apart or get left open (um the fridge), on water gets left on, or noodles get forgotten about and stick to the pan (BoBo was really happy about this).  I get frustrated, mad and sad and yearn for the days of the old me. But I know this is all apart of Gods AMAZING plan for my life. He has taught me so much already.  Like to SLOW DOWN. Enjoy life because I will NEVER get this time with my girls back. So what if I have to tote around a calender and 5 subject notebook, if that is the worse it gets, I've got it pretty good.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Gluten for Punishment

So it is 1:55 am on Monday and I am still up. I must be a gluten for punishment. I haven't really accomplished much. Packed a lunch, sewed a frogs legs back together, rocked a little girl back to sleep, and found how to make a special treat for my girls this Valentines day. So yes I guess in the large scheme of things not much was done, but as a mommy I know all of the above made a difference in two little girls lives.
I digress....why is it I am the only one in my house that cannot sleep? Our beastly dog is even snoring on the couch. But me no I must be a gluten for punishment. I feel like a newborn who has their days and nights messed up. And right when I think I have it all worked out! Ha! I get a nap and it all starts over. Well  in 4.5 hours everyone (including our beast) will need to be up and ready to kick off another blessed week. I will be the first one up nudging my precious husband, then softly waking two precious ones, breakfast, dressed, hair and out the door. With so much to do on so little sleep...I must be a gluten for punishment!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Welcome to The Taylor's blog. I am Lisa and will be doing a majority if not all the posting. I started this blog because I find myself wanting to share different experiences that are too much for other outlets. I am not sure when there will be new post but i hope you enjoy visiting my sight. God Bless.