Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My life in a 5 subject notebook

I was always a multi-tasker. Had a great memory and could run on little or no sleep. But now my life is a five subject notebook. You see about 4 months ago I began have migraines on a daily basis. I mean knock ya to the ground and stay there kinda beast. But I just went on. Then my ears started ringing and I started to lose vision. At this point most people would have stopped and gone to the doctor, but not me.  Life was crazy busy and well momma just had to go on. Symptoms got worse and I finally broke down and went to the doctor.
Doctor number one wanted to get real invasive really quick.
Doctor number two had no clue.
And Doctor number three the Neurologist but me on some seizure meds.
However somethings will never be the same. I was never lost for words, now it takes me a while. I could remember anything and everything and well lets just say its all in my notebook now. I have to do one task at a time or things fall apart or get left open (um the fridge), on water gets left on, or noodles get forgotten about and stick to the pan (BoBo was really happy about this).  I get frustrated, mad and sad and yearn for the days of the old me. But I know this is all apart of Gods AMAZING plan for my life. He has taught me so much already.  Like to SLOW DOWN. Enjoy life because I will NEVER get this time with my girls back. So what if I have to tote around a calender and 5 subject notebook, if that is the worse it gets, I've got it pretty good.

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